The Reading Room and Interlibrary Loans

The reading room is located on the first floor of the Main Library building of PUM and can accommodate more than 130 people simultaneously. The workstations are arranged to allow for quiet study (silent-study area). The reading room is organized in a three-level layout. On upper one -  three air-conditioned group study rooms for up to 12 pearsons each are situated.

Widok na czytelnię

Free PUM wi-fi is available throughout the library building, including reading room. Power outlets are also available, allowing the use of personal devices such as laptops, scanners and digital cameras.

The reading room is admittable to the general public and  is architecturally adapted to serve people with disabilities.

The reading room houses over 9,000 volumes of books and current year journals in print, both Polish and foreign. The reading room's collection is intended for students of all faculties and departments of PUM, doctoral students, specialized doctors, university researchers, and those interested in medical literature, and it is systematically updated. This collection is available only on-site.

Books and  journals are arranged by subject categories and within those, in alphabetical order by title. There is a separate section for English program literature, both medicine and dentistry.

The duty librarians' station is located at the entrance to the reading room.

In the reading room the user can also use library materials currently kept in the storeroom. If needed, librarians are available to assist every user and provide copies ordered by the reader from the storeroom. To receive a book or journals from the storeroom, you need to place an order with the librarian or through the library system on the catalog computer.

Materials kept in the storeroom are intended for on-site or borrowing accordingly to the item status.

Library storeroom is the part of the library not accessible to the users. The items kept in the storeroom are intended both for lending and on site use, according to the item status and location.

The staff handle interlibrary loans, sourcing the requested literature from other libraries in Poland and abroad.

The entire collection of reading library is secured, so any attempt to remove an item from the reading room without authorization is signaled by a gate installed at the entrance. The reading library room is monitored.




Widok z antresoli

View from antresol

Czytelnia 2
Czytelnia 3 Czytelnia rybim okiem Pochylnia dla niepełnosprawnych

Reading room is friendly for disabled patrons.

Pokoje pracy grupowej

Air-conditioned group work rooms...

Pokój pracy grupowej

... are situated on the entresol.

Tablica na antresoli

Magnetic board available for readers.

One computer in the reading room provides access to the electronic catalogue.


Stanowisko dla niepełnosprawnych

Specially designed workstation is located next to the circulation desk. Big, electrically adjustable table and profiled chair provide disabled patrons with a comfortable workplace.

Stanowisko przystosowane sla osób niepełnosprawnych

The workstation is equipped with touch-sensitive monitor, keyboard for visually impaired persons, Big Track mouse, headphones with microphone, magnifying glasses (including electronic one), scanner and screen magnification software with speech.

Lupy elektroniczna i ręczna Skaner i Big Track Specjalistyczna klawiatura

Reading room provides access to the aids for learning anatomy such as:

  • two models of human skeleton
  • seven models of skull
  • one human torso


Life size human skeleton - especially useful for explanations and comprehension. Faithful to detail medical model, true to nature bones. Skull can be opened to view its inner structures. Lower jaw, arms, legs and the most important joints are movable.

Life size human skull -  high quality classic skull is medically detailed in structure. It can be disassembled into 3-parts: calvaria, base of skull, and mandible. The calvaria is removable to show the internal structure of the skull. The mandible is articulated and removable. The teeth are separated, same as real ones, in ceramic white color. All of the joints, sutures, fissures, foramen, and styloid processes are highly accurate.

Human torso model - classic, unisex torso model has the feature of an open neck and back section going from the cerebellum to the coccyx. Vertebrae, intervertebral discs, spinal cord, spinal nerves, vertebral arteries, and many other features are represented in detail in this colorful replica of the human body.

The human torso model includes the following removable parts and organs:

  • 7th thoracic vertebra removable
  • 6-part head 2 lungs
  • 2-part heart stomach liver and gall bladder
  • 2-part intestinal tract front half of kidney front half of urinary bladder
Pomoce naukowe Pomoce naukowe 2 Pomoce naukowe 3

In the reading room you will find:

  • Skeleton, unassembled (bone collection)
  • Ligamented female pelvis
  • Lumbar spine with pelvis, for demonstration of malpositions
  • Human Kidney Section Model with Nephrons, Blood Vessels & Renal Corpuscle
  • Classic Human Heart Model with Bypass, 2 part
  • Classic Human Brain Model, 5 part
  • Human Larynx Model, 2 times Full-Size, 7 part
Pomoce naukowe 4 Pomoce naukowe 5 Pomoce naukowe 6
Pomoce naukowe 7 Pomoce naukowe 8 Pomoce naukowe 9
Pomoce naukowe 10 Pomoce naukowe 11 Pomoce naukowe 12
Kody QR w czytelni 1 Kody QR w czytelni 2 Kody QR w czytelni 3

If book or journal is also available in online version - appropriate information is displayed on the shelve together with QR code directing to the full-text.


Kody QR w czytelni 6
Stanowisko bibliotekarzy

Interlibrary loans

Every registered user may use the interlibrary loans to acquire literature not available in the PMU Library and in the other libraries in Szczecin.

The interlibrary loan service may bring documents that are not available within the Main Library collection (as well as in other libraries of Szczecin) from other Polish and foreign libraries. Requests, payments and receipt of documents are provided in the reading room within the operating hours.

More details about interlibrary loans are included in services tab on library’s website.

Regał z prasą Gabloty wystawowe
Czytelnia inaczej Widok na cztelnię Czytelnia
Księgozbiór czytelni


Encyklopedie i słowniki

Separate shelf with dictionaries, encyclopedias etc.



The journals are presented by subject and then in an alphabetical order by title. In the reading room only current year issues are available, archive issues are kept in the store room and are provided to users by ordering.

Czasopisma 2


Wózek biblioteczny

The users should leave any books they've used on the trolleys (do not put them back onto the shelves, please!).

Wózek biblioteczny 2

In the reading room users are obliged to:

  • take off their coats or jackets and deposit them together with the hand-luggage in the lockers on the ground floor
  • refrain from phone call
  • in case of using teaching aids like skulls, skeletons etc or taking library materials outside the reading room - leave the library card or student ID to the librarian on duty
  • refrain from eating and drinking
  • keep silence

^ Top

Last update - 22.12.2020

Next page: Scientific Information and Bibliographic Department
Previous page: The Lending Room

Photos by Anna Cymbor


Biblioteka PUM, 2018