XLI Problem Conference of Medical Libraries
Szczecin, 16th-18th September 2024
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The Main Library of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin has the honour of inviting you to the next – XLI Problem Conference of Medical Libraries, which will take place on 16th-18th September 2024 in Szczecin.
Currently, we observe continuous development of tools designed to assist us in finding, verifying, and analyzing information. Among them, tools utilizing technologies based on broadly understood artificial intelligence (AI) play a particularly significant role. The widespread access to large language models, which potentially can greatly facilitate the execution of many time-consuming tasks, may also have a significant impact on society and education. Libraries – as centers of knowledge and information – must engage in a discussion on how AI and other similar tools can support the management of information resources and the provision of library services.
During the proceedings, we will seek answers to numerous questions regarding the impact of artificial intelligence on the work of librarians, the shaping of new professional competencies in this field, and the ethical aspects of using AI-based tools in the area of medical librarianship. Our hope is also to create a platform for exchanging experiences and best practices among participants of the discussion. Therefore, the theme of this year’s conference will be the question:
“Artificial intelligence and medical libraries – are we on the verge of a transformation?”
We propose discussing the following topics:
- Automation of library processes using AI
- AI in information services
- Ethical, legal and social aspects of using AI in libraries and medical sciences
- Collaboration between medical libraries and the researchers in the field of AI
- Development of librarians’ competencies in the context of AI
We hope that the proposed topics will prove useful for the medical librarians and that we will be able to find an answer to the question posed in the title of the Conference. I invite you to participate in the conference. The conference organizers also anticipate a poster session inspired by the conference theme. This is a unique opportunity to present your ideas, experiences, and artistic visions realized using artificial intelligence tools.
The conference materials in the form of articles will be published in the journal Medical Library Forum ISSN 1899-5829, E-ISSN 2450-0437.